- [ Player Menu ] -
  1. - Show Crew/Impostor
  2. - No Kill Cooldown
  3. - End Vote
  4. - Move In Meeting
  5. - Unlimited Emergencies Meetings
  6. - No Meeting Cooldown
  7. - No Door Cooldown [Impostors]
  8. - Force All Enter Vent
  9. - Force All Leave Vent
  10. - Sabotage Lights
  11. - Repair Sabotage
  12. - Torch Distance
  13. - Close Doors
  14. - See Ghost + Chat
  15. - Complete Tasks
  16. - Select Text
  17. - Spam
  18. - Colour Picker
  19. - Vote Colour
- [ Movement Menu ] -
  1. - Speed
- [ Host Menu ] -
  1. - Always Impostor - [ Credit To @Yeowang For Helping Out ]
  2. - End Game [ Impostors Win ]
  3. - End Game [ Crew Wins ]
  4. - Instant Win [ Enable Before Starting ]
  5. - Random Colours
  6. - Random Hats
  7. - Random Skins
  8. - Random Pets
  9. - Change Everyone's Name
- [ Account Menu ] -
  1. - Unlocked Skins
  2. - Unlocked Pets
  3. - Unlocked Hats
- [ Misc Menu ] -
  1. - No Ads
  2. - No Leave Penalty
  3. - Increased Report [Buggy]
  4. - Confirm Injected
  5. - Long Kill
  6. - Player 2/3 = Impostor [Requires Always Impostor Being On]
- [ Passive ] -
  1. - Chat Always Visible

*How to install*
1. Remove original game
a. if you played with mod before, you can install new mod over it.
2. Download modded APK
3. Install modded APK
4. Grant permissions asked on first start of the modded game.
5. Enjoy =)
Google+ login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But remove your facebook app from device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: HIVE)? Yes.

 🔰🔰FREE DOWNLOAD HERE   ✅✅✅✅✅⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️

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